JOIN US! General Body Meetings every 4th Saturday!
JOIN US! General Body Meetings every 4th Saturday!
The Raleigh Durham Chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ-RDU) hosted a highly successful “Making News” Media Access Workshop on October 5th. This interactive event brought together non-profit organizations, small businesses, and student leaders for a hands-on experience in media engagement.
Over the course of 3-4 hours, media professionals shared valuable insights on newsgathering, news story development, public service announcements, and commercial advertising.
Moderated by CBS17 News Anchor Rod Carter, the workshop empowered participants to collaborate with news organizations, craft effective press releases, and boost their publicity efforts. Attendees also gained valuable skills in online and social media outreach, AI tools, and interview preparation.
The event took place at NC State University’s Witherspoon Student Center’s Washington Sankofa.
Moderated by Rod Carter of WNCN
Panelists included:
WUNC-FM News Anchor Naomi Prioleau Brown, Ken Smith WRAL, Sheer Social President Alice Fuller, and Center for Community Self Help PR Specialist Jenny Shields.
NABJ-RDU President and WTVD Reporter Jamiese Price will give remarks.
Note: Workshop participants may be eligible for credit hours of media training at their places of employment. Attendees would need to secure this with their companies in advance.
Itinerary :
- Welcome and Introductions
- Opening Statements
- Q & A
- Break out sessions/ Workgroups chosen
- Groups work on media plans
- Presentations and Critiques
- Close and Remarks
- Networking
Participants will receive :
· 3 – 4 hour workshop
· Q & A Session/Feedback
· Interactive Work session
· Critique session on media plans
· E-Media Guide
· Possible credit hours for media training
Making News with Rod Carter WNCN, WUNC Naomi Prioleau Brown, Ken Smith WRAL, Alice Fuller, PR Specialist Jenny Dee.
NABJ-Raleigh- Durham members over the years.
National Association of Black Journalists - Raleigh Durham
NABJ-Raleigh Durham c/o Rod Carter PO Box 30185 Raleigh, NC 27622